Keesenanita has 1293 Finds on 1292 unique Geocaches

Statistics generated on 5-10-2009

Cumulative Finds by Month

Cumulative Total
Annual Totals

Finds by Month

Click years to show or hide the statistics for that year

  2009       2008       2007       2006       All  

Total finds 277
Days caching 61
Average finds per caching day 4,5
Overall finds per day 1,0
Average finds per week 7,0
Average finds per month 30,3
Month: JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec
Days caching: 8378984104   

Total finds 488
Days caching 120
Average finds per caching day 4,1
Overall finds per day 1,3
Average finds per week 9,4
Average finds per month 40,7
Month: JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec
Days caching: 1112971613811614103


Milestone Date Interval Code   Cache Name
1 7-1-2006 GCGYBD Peeldorp
100 13-9-2006 249 days GCQ5A2 Millenniumbug
200 3-2-2007 143 days GC105B3 Geilenkirchener Kreisbahn - Sandgrube Vogels
300 29-4-2007 85 days GCV8PR Geopuzzel
400 12-8-2007 105 days GC130MY Gevelstenen
500 25-11-2007 105 days GC3874 Weerterheide
600 28-2-2008 95 days GC15GN0 Vlieg er eens uit.
700 25-5-2008 87 days GC161EJ Drakentanden
800 1-8-2008 68 days GC19XWH Don Cachotte: Buiten Verwachting
900 18-10-2008 78 days GC15NTE puzzelreeks 1 honingraat
1000 21-11-2008 34 days GC1GAEW Week 38: rust en onrust – de traditional
1100 7-4-2009 137 days GC1HV4Y Lieshout en zijn Molens: Ruweelsels
1200 21-6-2009 75 days GC1PECR 5e IRC Geocaching Poffertjes Event
1293 21-9-2009 92 days GC1DMB8 Benidorm highlights

Keesenanita should reach 1300 finds in 6 days (2 Caching days) on 11-10-2009

1500 finds in 177 days (43 Caching days) on 31-3-2010
and 2000 finds in 603 days (145 Caching days) on 31-5-2011

Finds by km from Home

  Number Percent  
< 10 88 6,80 %
10 - 20 221 17,0 %
20 - 30 197 15,2 %
30 - 40 118 9,12 %
40 - 50 89 6,88 %
50 - 100 184 14,2 %
100 - 200 363 28,0 %
200 - 500 30 2,32 %
500 - 1000 1 0,07 %
> 1000 2 0,15 %

Finds by Type

  Number Percent  
Traditional 796 61,5 %
Multi 230 17,7 %
Mystery 217 16,7 %
Event 20 1,54 %
Earth 18 1,39 %
Virtual 6 0,46 %
Letterbox 4 0,30 %
Webcam 1 0,07 %
Mega Event 1 0,07 %

Finds by Difficulty Rating

  Number Percent  
1 545 42,1 %
1.5 331 25,5 %
2 227 17,5 %
2.5 78 6,03 %
3 71 5,49 %
3.5 19 1,46 %
4 15 1,16 %
4.5 5 0,38 %
5 2 0,15 %

Finds by Terrain Rating

  Number Percent  
1 410 31,7 %
1.5 539 41,6 %
2 201 15,5 %
2.5 86 6,65 %
3 48 3,71 %
3.5 7 0,54 %
4 0 0 %
4.5 2 0,15 %
5 0 0 %

Difficulty / Terrain Chart

Difficulty 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
1 281 185 61 7 10 1 545
1.5 61 197 42 26 3 2 331
2 32 91 61 24 16 3 227
2.5 10 29 16 18 4 1 78
3 19 24 10 8 10 71
3.5 5 6 4 1 3 19
4 1 7 4 2 1 15
4.5 1 2 2 5
5 1 1 2
410 539 201 86 48 7 0 2 0

44 Diff/Terr combinations found, out of 81
152 (11,7%) finds were rated with Diff or Terr of 3 or greater

Finds by Owner

  Number Percent  
1 - Goedweerloper 74 5,72 %
2 - De Saatjes 52 4,02 %
3 - flet 52 4,02 %
4 - Jawowi 29 2,24 %
5 - Mr. Chapel 28 2,16 %
6 - nekrav 24 1,85 %
7 - Wilde Tijger 23 1,77 %
8 - Midjoke 22 1,70 %
9 - Geopatra 21 1,62 %
10 - Mestreechteneer 19 1,46 %
  Number Percent  
11 - Team-van-Dusen@gmx... 16 1,23 %
12 - petervw 15 1,16 %
13 - Dirkverschuren 14 1,08 %
14 - Limboos 14 1,08 %
15 - snah007 14 1,08 %
16 - Aladdin 13 1,00 %
17 - chrissetz 13 1,00 %
18 - Zugführer 13 1,00 %
19 - dagger38 12 0,92 %
20 - larinagu 12 0,92 %
These didn't make it to the top:
Duvelkes (11) Team WilP (11) muiz99 (10) TEAM*SMEIGEL (10)
mlvdburg (9) MrEwalker (9) waterlanders (9) de duintoppers (8)
Kapitein Haak (8) kraaiennest (8) Muizebeest (8) Team Mavos (8)
Team Nessa (8) Team Noppes (8) Team RVF Wanssum (8) The Snoopy Family (8)
tosim (8) vetsnl (8) 1ltmoos (7) De Zeeuwen (7)

Keesenanita has also found caches placed by 359 other people

Europe - 1292 finds in 5 Countries

European countries cached in
 Netherlands:1200,  Germany:61,  Belgium:29,  France:1,  Spain:1,
Image from World66

World - 1293 finds in 6 Countries

Countries cached in
 Netherlands:1200,  Germany:61,  Belgium:29,  France:1,  Spain:1,  Tunisia:1
Image from World66

Finds by Weekday

  Number Percent  
Monday 73 5,64 %
Tuesday 84 6,49 %
Wednesday 143 11,0 %
Thursday 29 2,24 %
Friday 84 6,49 %
Saturday 297 22,9 %
Sunday 583 45,0 %

Finds by Container

  Number Percent  
Micro 637 49,2 %
Regular 305 23,5 %
Small 241 18,6 %
Not chosen 39 3,01 %
Other 37 2,86 %
Large 28 2,16 %
Virtual 6 0,46 %

Some Numbers

Overall Total Finds: 1293 finds in 332 caching days over 1354 total days (24,5 %)
Overall Averages: 3,89 finds per caching day, 0,95/day, 6,68/week, 29,07/month
Most consecutive days with finds: 6, from 16-8-2009 to 21-8-2009
Most consecutive days without a find: 21, from 2-2-2009 to 22-2-2009
Most finds in a day: 30 on 3-2-2007; 27 on 3-6-2007; 24 on 1-6-2007
Best weekend caching: 30 finds, on Saturday 3-2-2007 & Sunday 4-2-2007
Best week caching: 52 finds, from Monday 28-5-2007 to Sunday 3-6-2007
Most finds in a calendar month: 100, in Oct 2008
Fastest 100 finds: 21 days from 12-10-2008 to 1-11-2008
Fastest 1000 finds: 853 days from 21-1-2007 to 22-5-2009
Total cache-to-cache distance: 28960 km, Note: includes locationless caches.
0,72x Earth Circumnavigation,
0,075x Distance to the Moon
Maximum distance in a day: 224 km, on 14-10-2007 Note: includes locationless caches.
Nearest cache found: Op z'n hondjes door de "Polderse Bossen" GC1T4RJ
Furthest cache found: 1782,47 km, Monastir, Healthy, Beauty Spot GCZ8K2
Most Northerly cache found: N 53° 33.333, 1e Kerstcache surprise event GCZ607
Most Southerly cache found: N 35° 46.816, Monastir, Healthy, Beauty Spot GCZ8K2
Most Easterly cache found: E 10° 49.168, Monastir, Healthy, Beauty Spot GCZ8K2
Most Westerly cache found: W 0° 07.874, Benidorm highlights GC1DMB8
Cache centroid: N 51° 39.141 E 5° 25.501 Map
Youngest cache found: 8-9-2009, World Snooker: Shanghai Masters GC1YC66
Oldest cache found: 4-3-2001, G'ebbes GC3CF
Caches found which are now archived: 362 (28,0 %)
Log Length, words: Average: 137, Longest: GC101C4 674, Shortest: GCD72B 8


Stats generated by FindStatGen3 V3.3.20 by rutson and lignumaqua, running on GSAK v7.5.1.28
Theme from pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen
Statistics generated in 17 seconds.

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Some rights reserved